This article aims to summarize the existing literature concerned with growing artificial neural networks. For each paper it will list the most significant contribution. The following four questions will guide the summary of each paper:
Each paper tries to make progress in answering at least one of the questions. Hence, they can be used to categorize these papers.
This articles reviews publications on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN or simply NN) which are grown in some way or another. It is focuses on networks trained using backpropagation with gradient descent and excludes research areas such as self-organizing maps (Boinee, De Angelis, and Milotti 2003), growing neural gas (GNG, Fritzke 1994), self-organizing networks (Piastra 2009), and growing neural forests (Palomo and López-Rubio 2016).
Additionally, we do not consider an ANN to be grown if simply another classification head is introduced when a new task is encountered in an continuous learning (CL) setting. Instead, in continuous learning settings, we require the shared parts of the network to be grown.
Short Title | Year | Why? | When? | Where? | How? | Paper |
Net2Net | 2016 | Knowledge transfer for NAS(?), already mentions lifelong learning (no experiments) | Single growth event | Not dynamic: Width is uniformly grown, new layers are added towards the end | Function-preserving transforms (identity matrix) | Chen, Goodfellow, and Shlens (2016) |
Network Morphism | 2016 | Knowledge transfer | Single growth event | Not dynamic: Width is uniformly grown, new layers are added towards the end | Function-preserving transform, less sparse init. | Wei et al. (2016) |
Progressive Nets | 2016 | Continual Learning | On new tasks | New columns | Random init | Rusu et al. (2016) |
NAS using Net Transforms | 2017 | NAS | Fixed schedule | Decided by RL agent | Function-preserving transforms | Cai et al. (2017) |
NASH | 2017 | NAS | Iterativly grow and train a set of networks, then pick the best | Randomly selected (multiple alternatives) | Function-preserving transforms | Elsken, Metzen, and Hutter (2017) |
NeST | 2018 | NAS | Growth phase, then prune phase with iterative retraining in each phase | Gradient-based selection | Initialization based on gradient | Dai, Yin, and Jha (2018) |
Path-Level Transformations | 2018 | NAS | Fixed schedule | Decided by RL agent | Function-preserving transforms | Cai et al. (2018) |
Compacting & Picking | 2019 | Hung et al. (2019) | ||||
Progressive Stacking | 2019 | Accelerate pre-training | Fixed schedule | Duplicated layers added on top | Duplication of existing layers | Gong et al. (2019) |
Firefly | 2020 | NAS and CL | Fixed Schedule | Decided based on gradient information | Function-preserving transforms | Wu et al. (2020) |
SCANN | 2021 | NAS | Fixed schedule | Connections based on gradient, Neurons based on activation | Connections based on gradient, Neurons are split | Hassantabar, Wang, and Jha (2021) |
GradMax | 2022 | NAS | Fixed Schedule | Fixed (GradMax could be adapted for this decision) | By maximizing the gradient of new parts using SVD | Evci et al. (2022) |
The following sections give short summaries of each of the publications which we deemed relevant.
Chen, Goodfellow, and Shlens (2016) introduce the idea of training a larger student network from an existing smaller teacher network by using function-preserving transformations. These transformations (Net2Net operations) allow the rapid transfer of learned knowledge and omits the need to retrain the larger network from scratch.
The authors propose two operations two increase the student network’s size:
Growth along the width dimension is achieved by randomly splitting the original neurons (Net2WiderNet operation, see Figure 1). Input weights of new neurons are copied from existing and the output weight of existing neurons is equally distributed among all copies (the old neuron and all new copies).
If no dropout is used, Chen, Goodfellow, and Shlens (2016) propose to add a small noise to the input weights to break the symmetry.
Growth along the depth dimension is achieved by adding new layers which are initialized with the identity function. This requires idempotent activation functions: the activation function \(\phi\) needs to chosen such that \(\phi(\mathbf{I}\phi(\mathbf{v}))\) for any vector \(\mathbf{v}\). For rectified linear units (ReLU) this is the case, for some the identity matrix may be replace with a different matrix, in some cases it may not be as easy to construct an identity layer.
The experiments are conducted on an Inception network architecture (Szegedy et al. 2014), a convolutional neural network (CNN). They show that rapid transfer of knowledge through the two types of network transformations is possible, allowing the faster exploration of model families contained in this architecture space.
Wei et al. (2016) follow a very similar path to Chen, Goodfellow, and Shlens (2016): function-preserving transformations are used to grow a parent (or “teacher”) network to a child (or “student”) network while maintaining the same function.
Wei et al. (2016) point out that using an identity layer for growing in depth (which they refer to as “IdMorp”) may be sub-optimal as it is extremely sparse. Additionally, they reiterate the requirement of idempotent activation functions, which they deem insufficient.
Through an iterative procedure, a convolutional layer is decomposed into two layers, retaining a large number of non-zero entries.
Wei, Wang, and Chen (2019) further improve the decomposition method in order to minimize the performance drop after transforming (growing) the network.
Instead of relying on idempotent activation functions, Wei et al. (2016) introduce parametric activation functions for new layers: A parameter \(a\) interpolates between the identity function and the non-linear activation function. \(a\) is initialized with one such that there is essentially no activation function. Over the course of future training, the parameter can be learned to make the activation function non-linear [for an example see Figure 2 or the parametric rectified activation units (PReLU), He et al. (2015)].
Rusu et al. (2016) develop Progressive Networks for tackling catastrophic forgetting. The idea is to grow networks when learning new tasks. The older parts of the networks are frozen and their function incorporated using adapters to allow for knowledge transfer from earlier tasks. Each time a new tasks is learned, the network is further extended (a new column is added).
During inference (as well as during training), a task identifier is needed to select the column which matches the current task. By freezing the older parts of the networks during training, the performance on tasks learned in early training is guaranteed to remain stable, as the respective weights (and therefore the models function) cannot change.
Cai et al. (2017) propose using a reinforcement learning (RL) agent as a meta-controller in order to decide when and where the network is grown (using function-preserving transformations).
By using variable-length strings (see Zoph and Le 2017) to represent the network architecture, an RL agent can be used to generate a function-preserving transformation (Chen, Goodfellow, and Shlens 2016).
The network architecture is encoded using an bidirectional LSTM and the encoding is then fed to a number of actor networks which decides whether and where transformations should be applied. For each possible network transformation there is one actor network. For an illustration, see Figure 4.
In each growth phase, 10 networks are sampled from the meta-controller and trained for 20 epochs (on image datasets CIFAR-10 and SVHN). Based on the accuracy on held out validation data (\(acc_v\)), a reward for the meta-controller is calculated. Instead of directly using the accuracy as reward signal, Cai et al. (2017) propose using a non-linear transformation in order to increase the reward if the accuracy is already high (an increase of 1% starting at 90% is more difficult than starting at 60%):
\[ \tan(acc_v \times \frac{\pi}{2}) \]
Elsken, Metzen, and Hutter (2017) propose an iterative NAS algorithm (Neural Architecture Search by Hillclimbing; short: NASH) which – in each growth step – produces a set of grown child networks (using function-preserving transformations). Each child is trained for a small number of epochs before the most promising candidate is chosen. This best performing child is then used for repeating the procedure (see fig. 5).
Additionally, they use a different set of network morphisms (or function-preserving transformations) such as an interpolating layer (similar to the parametric activation functions in Wei et al. 2016): Here an existing layer is replaced by an affine combination of the existing layer and some new ones (starting with all weights of the new layers being 0, and the weight of the existing layer to be 1).
Dai, Yin, and Jha (2018) utilize growth with network architecture search (NAS) in mind. They note that trial-and-error approaches are inefficient as a process and can (as a product) lead to inefficient architectures which might far more parameters than required. To combat these issues, they propose NeST, which trains weights as well as the architecture.
NeST starts with an initial small network (a seed architecture). In a first phase, the network is grown by adding new connections based on their gradient (assuming they already existed with an weight of 0), and growing new neurons in a layer \(l\) in order to connect existing neurons \(n\) and \(m\) in layers \(l-1\) and \(l+1\) which if they were connected directly, exhibited a large gradient magnitude:
\[ G_{m,n} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial u_m^{l+1}} x_n^{l-1} \ge threshold \]
Here, \(u_m^{l+1}\) is the sum of incoming activations of neuron \(m\) in layer \(l+1\) and \(x_n^{l-1}\) is the activation of neuron \(n\) in layer \(l+1\). The threshold is calculated using a growth proportion.
In a second phase, weights are iteratively pruned. Between each pruning step, the network is retrained to recover its performance.
It should be noted however, that NeST does not grow additional layers (nor does it remove layers) and hence is limited to a fixed number of layers.
This publication offers an incremental extension to enable branched architectures using function-preserving transformations (Chen, Goodfellow, and Shlens 2016) and growing the model using a RL agent based meta-controller as in Cai et al. (2017).
Cai et al. (2018) propose path-level transformations which allows the branching of neural networks (whereas Chen, Goodfellow, and Shlens (2016) initially proposed just growing deeper and wider). Instead of restricting the architecture space to sequences of layers, Cai et al. (2018) represent their network architecture as trees.
Each path-level transformation follows either an add or a concatenation merge scheme. In the add scheme, a layer is replaced by two copies and each of their outputs is multiplied by 0.5. This is similar to splitting a neuron, except on a layer level. Transformation (a) in Figure 7 shows such a transformation.
In the concatenation scheme (step (b) in Figure 7), the outputs dimensions (in a fully connected layer: neuron outputs, in a convolutional layer: output channels, etc.) are split among the different branches and the output of each branch is later concatenated. This introduces branches while preserving the function and each branch is unique.
These two schemes do not introduce a significant change to the network. However, in combination with the existing operations (in Chen, Goodfellow, and Shlens 2016), this can lead to a variety of branched architectures.
coming soon
Gong et al. (2019) observe, that self-attention distributions across different layers of well-trained BERT model typically exhibit a large degree of similarity. Hence, they propose starting the pre-training of BERT models with a smaller number (3) of hidden layers. Over the course of the training, these pre-trained layers are duplicated twice (and added on top, see Figure 9) and trained between each stacking operations in order to differentiate the layers.
By training with few layers for a large portion of the pre-training, Gong et al. (2019) can reduce the pre-training time by \(\sim 35\%\) with only a small loss of performance.
Wu et al. (2020) propose alternating between training and growth steps. In each growth step, the network is grown to be wider and deeper. During each growth step, multiple candidate elements (neurons or layers) are temporarily added to the network. The contribution of each candidate part is multiplied with some step size \(\epsilon\) to maintain the original function. By using the training data (or some portion of it), one can then calculate how beneficial these new parts might be during future training. Wu et al. (2020) show that by using Taylor approximation, this reduces to looking a the gradients of these new parts.
Additionally, Wu et al. (2020) test their approach in a CL task-incremental setting. For each task, a neuron mask is created (which can be retrieved using the available task identifier). This allows the model to share structure while maintaining its function on old tasks and hence to maintain a good average accuracy even after multiple tasks have been learned.
Hassantabar, Wang, and Jha (2021) develop SCANN to produce compact and accurate feed-forward networks (FFNNs). In this paper, they aim to improve on prior work (namely: NeST) and allow the method to grow in depth as well.
SCANN includes three operations to modify the network architecture:
New connections are grown based on the gradient magnitude they would exhibit (if they were present). This follows the proposal of Dai, Yin, and Jha (2018) for NeST.
New neurons are grown based on the activations existing neurons exhibit when training data is passed through the network: Neurons with large activation magnitude are selected for splitting.
Finally, connections which have small weight magnitudes are pruned. This is similar to NeST as well.
Hassantabar, Wang, and Jha (2021) describe three training schemes with different configurations of network modification operations: Different orders of executing the operations as well as different degrees of growth and pruning and different sizes of initial networks.
They show that all of these three training schemes can yield well performing models with different numbers of parameters.
Evci et al. (2022) focus on the question how new neurons are initialized. They propose initializing new neurons such that the gradient norm of new weights are maximized while maintaining the models function. By enforcing large gradient norms of the new weights, the objective function is guaranteed to decrease in the next step of gradient descent.
When using a step size of \(\frac{1}{\beta}\) on a function with a \(\beta\)-Lipschitz gradient, the loss is upper-bounded by:
\[ L(W_{new}) \le L(W) - \frac{\beta}{2} \| \nabla L (W) \|^2 \]
While a constant Lipschitz constant generally does not necessarily exist in neural networks the authors use this as a motivation to assume that large gradient norms will lead to large decreases in the loss function after the next
In GradMax, the maximum gradient norms (with some constraint) are approximated using singular value decomposition (SVD). The authors additionally provide experiments using optimization to produce large gradient norms instead of using the closed-form solution of SVD. While they find that SVD usually produces better results, it can only be used, if the activation function returns 0 given an input of 0.
The authors note that this idea could also be utilized to select where new neurons should be grown. The decision where to add new neurons could be made by looking at the singular values (e,g, selecting the largest or adding a neuron, once the singular value reaches a threshold). This idea is very similar to the strategy of Wu et al. (2020) which use a very similar technique to choose where to grow neurons (but use a different initialization strategy).